Shuttle help

16 Jun 2007
right so i sold my full tower watercooled PC for somethign more accessable, ie a shuttle.

i jsut need to know is there a shuttle that will fit a GTS250/ 4850 and a cooler for the E5200 than can OC to atleast 3GHz?

do the shuttles OC?
Yes, yes and yes.

The Shuttle power supplies are good, I'd probably use a SX48P2 as a starter for a performance system. Graphics card wise, check out the dimensions first but can't see a problem, planning on a 4850 or 4870 in my old SD37P2 any time soon.

They do overclock, my E6700 clocks to 3.6Ghz and maybe I can squeeze a bit more out of it when I've invested in some decent memory.
much <3.

mmm will a 4870/GTX260 fit in the SX48P2-E?

if not a GTS250/4850 is enough, all i play is cod4 :D

what CPU cooler would one recommend?
How long is a 4870 ?

The old 8800GTX's used to fit.

The Shuttles come complete with a nice cooler/heatsink. They are surprisingly good with a fan on either side on the P2 versions. They are fairly tunable too, there are options for fan speed in the Bios and a downloadable utility from the Shuttle website will allow fine tuning from the desktop. On mine, a SD37P2 which is now a deleted model, the heatsink has different spacings to Intels, so you have no choice but to use the standard heatsink, they are good though.
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