shuttle prob please help!!! driving me mad!

31 Dec 2002
on my PC
my pc just reboots for no reason? you can hear the hdd turn off, then once it boots up again it reads the hdd as loads of funny letters. so i though oh right the hdd is dead ill just go buy a new one, got a wd 250gb but it still does it with this one just comes up with funny letters??? i have tryed diff ram and still does it??? please help

sorry if u cant get the wording on this very hung over
Well you've isolated the hdd and the ram, so i would say the board is the next likely culprit.

You could try installing a 2nd clean copy of windows just to make sure its a hardware problem. You could also try a bios update.
My initial thoughts were thermal cutout cos of the cpu over heating but that would cause it to just turn off.
Just incase check there isnt a red led coming on when it reboots.
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