Shuttle puts itself into safe mode every time it starts up

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002

Currently using a Shuttle SNsomethingorother with an XP2000+ and a GeForce2 MX in it.

Unfortunately, every time you power it up, it defaults to Safe Mode, runs the CPU at 1250mhz, and thinks its May 2003.

No matter how many times you reset everything, it does it again the next time you power it up.

Any ideas?
Hey up mate,

BoMb Da BaSs here, it sounds like it the cmos batt. have you checked that out??

Does it only do it after the shuttle has been turned off, ie if you go into the bios and set it all up then just use it for the day without turning off it ok?

Or does it just instantly have a fit??

Edit just re-scanned your post, still sounds like the cmos batt.

yeah def cmos batt. there :)

once you turn it off completly, the bios will loose all your settings and default everything back to the original settings
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