Shuttle SD31P Advice

16 Aug 2006

Hi have brought a Shuttle SD31P

With a P4 3.4Ghz 661
1gb 512x2 Crucial ddr2 5300
7600GT 256MB

I have been unable to get the system to boot. I have tested different types of memory, leaving the graphics card out, leaving all drivers unconnected but still haven't been able to get it boot

When I boot the Shuttle up all I get is the Bios screen not matter what I press it does hangs

I have been back to the shop and asked tech support and the only answers I have got is to contract shuttle thats fair enough but after paying over 300 pounds for something to not work and not got any support it gets a little ........

I will contact Shuttle but not too sure when like normal working hours I work 9 till 5.30 just like they do and in at work we aren;t aloud to use phones during the hours of work

I was wondering if anyone had come accross the problem before and if so please could you give a little info on what to do next

Did you say Pentium 4 661? This is a 65nm chip using the Cedar Mill core. Now, unless shuttle has released a BIOS flash, you're limited to using 90nm Prescott cored CPU's.

Even if there was an available BIOS update, you'd need to flash the BIOS with a 90nm Prescott based CPU.

I'd get the CPU replaced with the prescott version, the "660"

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