Shuttle SG33G5 - Blu-ray playback

1 Jun 2005
Hi all,

I recently purchased the Shuttle SG33G5 system in the hope of building a HTPC rather than having lots of devices under the TV. Having installed everything i can't seem to get PowerDVD 7 (bundled with the LG BD HDD DVD combo drive) to play movies from the disc. I can play the mts files on a BD with VLC media player fine (over the HDMI cable into TV) so i know the system is capable of playing HD movies - but it just won't play blu-ray (i don't have a HD DVD to try.

I've found this doesn't seem to be an uncommon problem and has something to do with HDCP. I have tried obvious things such as updating drivers but that didn't work. The system is advertised as being able to play HD yet it doesn't seem to.

One solution might be to buy a graphics card and i was wondering with it being a SFF case and only having 250w PSU what sort of card could i get away with that would be 1) cheap 2) play back HD movies, and 3) fit inside the case.

Any help would be appreciated!
hi yea it does sound like a gfx prob. to get hd playback on a lcd that supports hdcp.
you will need a hdcp based gfx card as well.

maybe some think like a passive gfx card like the..

ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT
ATI Radeon HD 3450

just make sure you check the card manufactures web site for system requirements
for wattage usages be for you buy 1, more gfx memory the better for higher rez.

maybe some 1 on here as the sort of same setup as you have could point you
in the right direction for a hdcp gfx card.

good luck.
Well the system uses an Intel GMA 3100 chipset which the chap in Overclockers said would support blu-ray playback and it is advertised on this site as supporting HDCP but clearly it doesn't or am i just doing something fundamentally wrong?
hm oh yeah i just looked at shuttles web site.

# Intel® G33 Express Chipset with HDMI
Experience true-to-life video quality from the latest Intel® G33 Express chipset with HDMI.
Featuring the Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 with Intel® Clear Video
technology for enhanced high-definition video playback and sharper image quality.

so the person at ocuk is right, im not sure why you have playback issues then sorry.
maybe some 1 on here might know what to do?

you got all the drivers installed? or do you have to turn on hdcp with in the software?
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