Shuttle SK83G, can't detect SATA

2 May 2004
Recently bought a SK83G, connected everything up and it seems fine. Went to install XP and it couldn't detect the SATA drive. Realised I needed to install the RAID drivers and enable SATA in the BIOS - both have now been done but doesn't help. To be safe I've also flashed to the newest motherboard BIOS. To my knowledge there isn't a newer SATA driver to update to.

Currently using:

NB. The HDD and SATA cables are working.

Must be some helpful suggestions out there, I've wasted an entire day on this. :o
No jumpers on the hard drive. Firmware sounds possible, a quick visit to manufacturers website and google didn't turn up anything.

It's a Hitachi Deskstar 7K80 NCQ 80GB SATA-II 8MB Cache, made in Aug/Sept 2005 (can't remember exact month of the top of my head).
Was just about to post something similar to this, apologies for thread jacking.

I'm about to purchase (end of month) a XPC SN26P and was wondering how I set up XP on a new SATA II hard drive?

The drivers (the 'Press F6 to install 3rd party controllers' bit at install) takes the drivers from a floppy drive, but of course the shuttles don't have a floppy!!

How do I get round this?
PieMaster said:
Slipstream the drivers on to the XP CD using nLite.

2 words I've never heard of! SlipStream and nLite! :p

Well, I'll use a bit of common sense and do a search on these before I ask further, thanks for the quick response.
~J~ said:
2 words I've never heard of! SlipStream and nLite! :p

Well, I'll use a bit of common sense and do a search on these before I ask further, thanks for the quick response.

Slipstream = getting the driver files and adding them to an image of a WIN XP install CD. When the install does the checking of drivers with "default, likely to be used ones" yours is included so picked up by default. You basically make your own custom WIN XP install CD with relevant drivers for your kit added.

Nlite I dont know personally but it will some form of ISO editting tool (so you can play with CD image files - add/remove files as needed etc) ISO buster, ISO magic and a few others will do a similar job but nlite sounds like its a bit more compact and precise about it :)
~J~ said:
Was just about to post something similar to this, apologies for thread jacking.

I'm about to purchase (end of month) a XPC SN26P and was wondering how I set up XP on a new SATA II hard drive?

The drivers (the 'Press F6 to install 3rd party controllers' bit at install) takes the drivers from a floppy drive, but of course the shuttles don't have a floppy!!

How do I get round this?

get a usb floppy like i did
Cheers for the explanations, and thanks for the tip on the USB one. I still need a floppy as the occasional customer sends their data on floppy so it's still a needed piece of kit.

Although the more I think about it, I'll probably get one as it would be 'nice' (don't know how practical) to put an additional HDD where the floppy was.

Hmmmmm, choices.
Sorry to dig up this thread but, whilst search for some shuttle software I stumbled upon the answer.

Q. Can I use the SATA II hard drive on the SK83G?

A. SK83G is base on VIA VT 8237 S.B. chipset, the VT8237 chipset did not support SATA II HDD; therefore, we suggest you to use SATA I HDD for the SK83G.
All is now understood, I ended up getting a SATA I drive in the end anyway.
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