Shuttle SN41G2 problems with wireless module

1 Dec 2004
Don't know if anyone will be able to help with this but its worth a try because it's driving me crazy. I have a shuttle PN15 wireless module fitted in my SN41G2 (old I know) and everytime I plug my USB flash drive or iPod in the wireless card disables itself. I realise this must be some kind of USB conflict but simply can't think of a way round it. Anyone else have similar problems? I already have the latest drivers for the wireless module. Cheers for any help.
Slightly different cause, but I used to get dropped connections with a Netgear USB wireless dongle connected to a SN41G2 rear port when plugging in a USB powered 2.5" hard drive enclosure into the front USB.

I thought it was due to the sudden power draw of the HD that caused any other device to blink. Once HD was attached I could en-able connection and it would be OK.
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