Shuttle SN95G5 wont allow me to set the right date!

4 Oct 2004
Im having a problem with my computer; in bios it wont allow me to set the right date i.e. todays date - it seems that days are off from the date, i.e. todays date, tells me its thursday the 4/1/07. but if i set it to 7/1/07 its sunday (i.e. today)

But the big problem is, i cant do any windows updates without the correct date and time.
Any idea how to fix this?
Try replacing the BIOS battery on the motherboard? Could be the battery is going faulty and forgetting settings. Have you noticed anything else wrong in your BIOS settings or are they at default?
everything else is fine in bios, which makes it even stranger.

As for changing the battery, i was thinking about that, but then i thought if the problem was the battery it would not remember any time that i set? Inwhich case it does remember the date i set.
Not sure if you've sorted this yet. But todays date is 5/2/07 not 4/1/07 or am i missing the point?
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