Shuttle SP35P2 Pro...



2 Apr 2008
Finally got my SP35P2 Pro...:D

Here are some pics,


So far, the Shuttle is very stable with a Q6600 and 8800 GTX OC (Temps are quite high:( )

Temps are quite high on mine too, but from what ive been reading if you take the 2 cpus fans and reverse them so they are sucking air in rather than blowing it out then it helps the temps a bit.

Remove the plastic off the front :p
What are your temps like???

Mine are:
Q6600 @ 2,4ghz idle
core0: 46c
core1: 42c
core2: 43c
core3: 37c

BFG 8800 GTX: 70c idle, 85c load
Mine are higher than that, probably about 50 at idle but only goes to about 55 under load. Probably the way I have *** CPU fan set up.

Dont know with the card as ive not got a monitor to check it.
I get around 66c load (coretemp),

Fans are running at 1200rpm idle and 1800rpm load, my cpu is a B3 so it's quite hot...

What about the fans on your shuttle, rpm???:confused:
would the high temps affect the components life in any considerable way?

This worries me as well:rolleyes:

My load temps are quite high: 65, 62, 60, 58 (using core temp)
8800 GTX goes up to 90c

using XPC Tools is even worst:
CPU: 53c idle and 75c load
MB: 51c idle 65c load:mad:

I don't think the temps are accurate with XPC Tools...???
Been fine for me, and they have been in my shuttle for over a year now. If you have worries then from what ive been told Corsair are a pretty good brand to run with.
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