Shuttle XPC ST20G5

2 Jul 2004
East Midlands
Hey Guys,

Just about to order a Shuttle XPC ST20G5 to replace my pimped stacker, getting a bit old for the neons and flashing lights game and i need the space in my room. I'm planning on putting the following in it:
3200 A64 Winchester
74GB Raptor
120GB maxtor
1 GB of Corsair XMS3200C2 Pro TwinX

Just wanted to know if its all good for this system?
Also i noticed that its all ATI based, whats the score with fitting Nvidia graphics cards?

just the same as putting an ATI card in a nvidia mobo... shouldnt affect it.
The last thing I read on the ST20G5 was it was a very poor clocker. No sure if this has been fixed via a bios release etc, but defo worth a double check.
Thanks for the heads up, i'm not too bothered about overclocking because i think this ram is on its last legs, won't do its rated speed and timings anymore although that could be due to my old motherboard.


Boycie said:
Hey Guys,

Just about to order a Shuttle XPC ST20G5

why the ST20G5?

Reason i ask is that i will be selling my 3 week old SN25P sometime over the next few days :D

Because its the only one with intergrated graphics, i'm leaving the AGP era and i couldn't afford the system and a top spec card so im going to use the intergrated graphics until I can afford a decent Nvidia PCIX card. Also i built an xmas present for someone with a SN25P and i didn't like the styling.

One question i do have however...Ages ago i bought one of those shuttle pc bags that OCuk used to sell, you know holdal type ones and so far I havent found an XPC that will fit in it, what ones are they supposed to fit?


The particular one i built, had a 7800GT in it was loud for what it was, i thought it was unusually loud compared to this particular one ive got put thats probably due to the fact that it has a stonking graphics card in it.

Is there any particular reason why the DVI port isn't working? Do i have to enable it because its not picking up my second monitor, i've tried looking around in the BIOS and i can't find anything, this is on the ST20G5 btw.


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Hey Guys,

Just been playing around with a few settings, is this overclock any good?


I've been reading around and many people get stuck at 230 so i thought this might be good, runs prime for hours so i'm guessing its stable, i'm using Corsair XMS3200C2 Pro TwinX

yeah thats totally stable, barely touched the voltages and runs prime forever, well for one night solid anyway.
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