Sick, older lady is handed a P45 during a public speech at work!

12 Sep 2012
This is not a politics thread to discuss policies and such but rather just to smile and poke a little fun at the event and all its odd happenings


The prime minister battled a sore throat - at one point being handed a lozenge by the chancellor.

She was also interrupted by a comedian, who handed her a P45, saying "Boris asked me to give you this," before being ejected from the hall.

To add to her woes, some of the letters fell off the conference stage backdrop. By the end it read: "Building a country that works or everyon."

The whole speech and everything that went against her seemed to show her to be more human than any amount of campaigning that she has done so far.
I will admit that it looked awkward and closer to a schoolboy pulling a mistimed prank than a comedian doing anything clever. The best bit was the letters though :p
But clever enough to get to run the country a job that most of us wouldn't even get close to no matter how clever we THINK we are

Takes a certain kind of clever :p


Some people do get where they are on smarts but others get there because daddy said so!

Now i wont call TM stupid because i dont think she is. She is however out of touch and so far removed from the rest of society that she looks incompetent trying to connect to people, as well as inept when it comes to trying to please them. TBH most of the higher politicians are like that.
To be honest, this media story has done more for May than a lot of her own campaigning. It has made her seem human and vunerable, as well as draw attention to a speech that said very little and was barely noteworthy.
I think being detained for half hour just to finish up the speech without chancing a second interruption is common sense. What he did was a ploy for attention and a publicity stunt, if he felt he didn't nail it then there is every chance he would have tried something else.
They did work fine. She was under no threat. All these ifs and buts are ridiculous.

He got within throwing distance of Trump on his golf prank and threw golf balls to land near him. Hell, even Boris wasn't alarmed when he turned to him and looked to give him the thumbs up before doing it. For all security knew, this was nothing to get excited about.
She could just do a Corbyn and refuse to go if her cabinet leaves on mass - that's seemed to work for him at least

I will admit that despite not being a fan of Corbyn, he commands a certain support from areas of the public that no other upper labour politician has and him stepping down would likely result in this support going to another party. While TM doesn't have even a small fan-base.
I am not selling her short. I am just saying that she as a person does not have a fan base like Corbyn. Her supporters are general conservative party supporters.

Where Corbyn is a character and a figurehead for his type of 'labour', Theresa May is just the top cog in the conservative machine.

My point is that if conservative leadership were to change, they would not lose support as a result of Theresa May fans finding a new representative to put their support behind.

I am not saying May is less successful as a leader, just that she does not garner the sort of support Corbyn does. It is easy to find Corbyn supporters that are not necessarily labour supporters but is it easy to find Theresa May supporters that are not necessarily Conservative party supporters?

Personally i am no fan of either.
To vote Tory, not TM. The point still stands. Hate him or love him, he is a character that make people hate or love him.

To say that about TM would be a big stretch. I can't think of even a few members on these forums that are TM fans (not Tory boys but actually a fan of TM)
The police side of things were handled fine. Its not like anyone, especially the party, would benefit from slapping the guy with anything but a stern word.

If they people just heckle and ruin these speeches, we would end up being run by whoever can talk the most smack... like the US :p
I am mixed on whether she should go or not.

The stability argument is a terrible one when you talk about putting a replacement in. Stability rarely comes with dramatic political change. It is laughable if you think that calling for someones head every bad year will lead to stability. Enabling a political culture where you are rewarded with a chance at the top for throwing your own party leader under the bus is just asking for trouble.

Every time she has tried to build or solidify power, it has been done by capitalising on our desperation for stability. Replacing her the same way hardly solves the problem, it just swaps the person and reinforces this kind of politics.

Apart from the obvious and selfish bad decisions she has made for power, has she done terribly badly? Well, imo she seems disconnected and self serving but i cant think of any other viable candidate that will replace her which isn't to be honest. If I had my wish, as unpopular as the opinion would be, i would still have Dave here.
Isn't that a good reason?

Not really, it is all about appearances. Whether you are pro brexit or not, a change in Tory leaderships is bad for how the outside world view us. If we continue to seem unstable with an ever changing government, it just puts doubt in investors and gives companies a second thought about sticking around. It is headlines of like companies looking to strike deals before committing to stay, that hurt us and our economy. I doubt the Tory plan would change with the leadership whoever got put in front. Actually i doubt negotiations would be any different if Cameron were still around.

I am not pro-brexit, not pro TM and not a fan of the current Tory offerings but i dont see any benefit of getting rid of her and dont like the fact that people are just waiting for their leader to stack it so they can sell them out for a chance at wearing the crown. It creates such toxic politics with no incentive to make a hard decision for a long term benefit
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You think removing the top dog and letting the rest of the pack fight over the bone will be less of a mess?

It will only lead to them selling each other out at every opportunity. You may even have the party support split as a result of the in fighting after she leaves and labour may soak up some support, which will no doubt be followed by more in fighting as you have a push for a change in labour leadership with these swing voters coming over to that side.

Things can most definitely get messier. I don't see anyone who is going to do a better job.
The police just did their duty, nothing more nothing less.

Some people think he got off lightly and that he would have been strung up had this been the US or that the police wrongfully detained him because Tory party are devils :mad::mad::mad:

Truth is that the situation was fine. He made a disturbance and was removed and detained for half an hour to prevent him making another disturbance. He was then released with no charge. A completely reasonable response. He crashed one of Trumps speeches when he was campaigning and chucked golf balls at him with swastikas and he was dealt with exactly the same.

I don't think there is much more to be said on the police side of things. As to how he got entrance, he seems to be a master at gatecrashing. If he can gatecrash Kanye West's stage, i am sure this was a doddle.
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