side effects of unreal tournament...

4 Jan 2004
lol watch this german kid turn into the hulk in a about 4 mins flat!


i wonder what would happen if his computer crashed :)

on a side note, i wonder if the subtitles are actually what he's saying??
I thought this was going to be about RSI or achy eyes (which I get :eek: ).

I call shenanigans on that video tho... I rekon it was an act to get on t'internet.

Bah humbug :p
What a bloody weirdo.

1) Why the hell would you almost orgasm playing UT?

2) Why the hell would you film yourself doing the above?

3) From what I can remember of my German lessons the subtitles are quite accurate.
Oh my god :eek:

How funny was that, especially when he gets killed, takes it out on the keyboard then goes insane when he loses the esc button :p :D :D

But seriously that kid needs help.

t3h :cool:
Errol said:
Old. From last year I think.
yep... somebody on here actually translated what he's saying as well...

theres a point where he thinks his computer has died because it wouldn't get past the loading screen or something :confused:
nighoftheeighth said:
Maybe his Mutter taped it and sent it to a psychiatrist. My friend James J gets like that when battling Schtevens on CS:S.
i was under the impression a Schteven was a geek/nerd...? sounds like your making it sound like a n00b or a gimp or something...

would seem i'm right :confused:

however... a Schteve... is a chav :confused:
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