Side "intake" fan question

5 Sep 2020
I was watching a Gamers Nexus video on YouTube and they were doing a very low budget build. The cheap case had what was described as an intake fan on the side of the case about where the GPU would be. My queston is would a fan in this position be better as an exhaust fan or an intake fan?
Intake. That way the 'cooler' air (Assuming the room temperature is lower than the inside of the case, Unlikely that's true but weird things can happen where it's the other way round) is drawn onto the motherboard or possibly the GFX card which would help to cool it.
I see where you're coming from Grimley. My thinking was with the side fan over the graphic card, although an intake fan would be blowing the cooler room temperature air directly over it, it would be moving the hot air from the card around the case, whereas an exhaust fan would take that hot air out of the case altogether.
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