sig cycling

9 Jan 2003
hey, I was wondering if there was any way to get the text in a sig for these forums to change after every reload,
I know its doable with a set of image, but was wondering if it was possable with just text?
Only way to do that would be an image that has text in. You can't change just the text itself. You could have course have an image the same colour as the OcUK background with nothing else in except the text. I happen to have a script I made several months back that does just that thing. I've put it up temporarily on my server so you can try it out if you want, not sure if it's the sort of thing you want but hey.

It will randomly choose from a set of images, and randomly choose a line from a text file of quotes, combine them together, and show as an image. 1.1

Should be reasonably simple to use; requires PHP with GD Plugin though.

Hope this helps, null :)
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