Sigma 10-20mm D DC

26 Nov 2003
East Sussex
Can someone explain further the meaning of D and DC on this lens? The sigma site says this for DC:

"These are special lenses designed so that the image circle matches the smaller size of the image sensor of most digital SLR cameras. Their specialized design gives these lenses the ideal properties for digital cameras, the compact and lightweight construction is an added bonus!"

Does this mean that it's a true 10mm? the that 1.6 crop factor thing doesn't actually apply?

And the single D on its own, is that the glass grade? And if so, is D good? Both of my Nikon lens' are G, is G worse?
"but with lenses designed specifically for these smaller sensors, DSLR owners can look forward to taking up wide-angle photography once more."

That again sounds like it's implying that the lens is made to adjust for that 1.5x crop factor and still provide true 10mm goodness.
Oh I dunno. Would love to see comparitive shots of this lens and a 35m equivalent.

Also, what's the aperture ring all about?
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