Sigma 12-24 users

8 Apr 2004
I've been meaning to pull my thumb out and update my site, and then add more photos. The one thing that's stopping me taking a certain type of photos is that I want to get some filters of various types. So my question is this: What brand of polariser do you use, and where did you get it from?

I've been googling for the last few days in my lunch hour at work, but I never seem to be able to find any reviews, or even brand names when it comes to items for this lens. I also want to get a poloriser for my 50mm too, so recomendations on this would also be appreciated, but the Sigma is the priority at the moment.

Now you watch, the first person to reply will have found a link on google in seconds to irritate me :P

Thanks in advance!
No idea about the lens but filters will work with any type of lens as long as you get the correct size. Hoya filters are decent enough and will do the job you want.

I just bought my filter from the local photo shop as I wasn't going to save much money. Just type hoya filters in google and you should get tons of useful results.

For the right size usually it will say the diameter of the lens either on the inside of the lens cap, box, or on the underside of the lens body. An 18-70 nikon d70 kit lens is 67mm for example so you will need a 67mm sized polariser. You can then use step up and down adaptors to use it on your other larger/smaller lenses although I have no idea about this department.

To find out the filter size of that sigma lens check the website or the aforementioned options.
Hrrmmm... The 12-24 has a built in petal hood, like my 15-30. Although you can screw in filters to the hood sheath (possibly 82mm? Crazy expensive) they'll cause the edges of the frame to clip totally, severe vignetting. The hood sheath itself will cause vignetting on a full frame body.
That's all assuming that the design of the 12-24 is similar to my 15-30, which I think it is.
Basically, unless I'm wrong, you can't use front screw in filters - which is why there's a wee rear gel holder behind the rear element, and is also one of the reasons Sigma made the 10-20 for crop cameras (which can use front filters).
Dont bother with filters on the 12-24. my mate just bought one for his 1ds mkII. with the hood sheath on it, it vignettes to around 17mm, even more so once you screw a filter on to it.
hoodmeister said:
Hrrmmm... The 12-24 has a built in petal hood, like my 15-30. Although you can screw in filters to the hood sheath (possibly 82mm? Crazy expensive) they'll cause the edges of the frame to clip totally, severe vignetting. The hood sheath itself will cause vignetting on a full frame body.
That's all assuming that the design of the 12-24 is similar to my 15-30, which I think it is.
Basically, unless I'm wrong, you can't use front screw in filters - which is why there's a wee rear gel holder behind the rear element, and is also one of the reasons Sigma made the 10-20 for crop cameras (which can use front filters).

Yeah you're right. That's why I was asking. The 12-24 has a rear mount for gel filters, which is probably why I'm having trouble finding them. I want to take shots of buildings around my area, and really need a polariser.

Oh, and I've almost finished updating my site tonight, just need to upload photos, and finish altering Coppermines look.

I've only added one photo so far, just incase I need to reupload it all after altering the theme to that of my site :)
I have this lens and think it's fantastic. I have a UV filter over it just for protection really rather than for output. From what I hear, a lot of the sharpness seems to be down to the individual lens you end up with. I'm very happy with mine though. 2 examples here, one in light, one from little light, which it acutally seems to cope with well


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