Sign up for the MAG beta here!

29 Jun 2005

Edit: Keys all gone now innit.

For those who've got in, pick Raven as your Faction so was can all squad up.

Look for the <o> clan to apply to, set up by Apopcalyptic


Server times


Monday - Friday, 18:00 - 21:00 & 01:00 - 05:00

In addition to the above times, here is the schedule of what will be tested on any given day

24/9//09 Acquisition

25/9//09 Acquisition

28/9//09 Acquisition

29/9//09 Acquisition

30/9//09 Acquisition

01/10//09 Domination

02/10/09 Domination

05/10/09 Acquisition

06/10/09 Acquisition

07/10/09 Acquisition

08/10/09 Acquisition

09/10/09 Acquisition

All in BST (The timezone most people on this forum will be on).

Gameplay Guides

Found a link to this on US MAG Beta boards. just reading them now to save me getting another ass whooping when I rejoin the battlefield :)

The folks over at Zipper have put together a Playguide for the MAG Beta. There are several sections and you can check them out through these links:

Setting Up Loadouts in the Armory
Changing Loadouts in the Respawn UI
Barracks: Unlocking Skills and Items
Game Types
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Signed up is this a first come first served basis or just luck of the draw ?
Didnt see this thread so created one a moment ago hopefully some mod will delete it .
Should use the f5 button a bit more ;)
Signed up is this a first come first served basis or just luck of the draw ?
Didnt see this thread so created one a moment ago hopefully some mod will delete it .
Should use the f5 button a bit more ;)

Post says first come first serve.

I might have a spare code as I applied for the EU one before I checked my USA e-mail that had a USA code in there, so you can have that, in the very unlikely event you were not one of the first 16k.

Drat. I thought they were picking random PSN IDs and emailing folk directly, not that you had to sign up to it! :(
hrmm yo page 404 not found???

the other one u need to be a Qore subscriber to get in = paying cash to beta test an unfinished game....

and Qore is also NA only....trying not to put a downer on the situation..
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Oh soz, misread your post. The 404 message is browser related, ironically the ps3 browser doesn't like their competition page, so try on a pc and it should work fine.
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