signal over range

1 Nov 2005
I'd been using Linux Mint 10 for a few months and now and have started getting the "signal over range" scrolling across my screen when booting up. Resolution was 1024x768. After a while I couldn't boot into Mint at all. I've tried 3 or 4 live cd's but can' get any of these up and running before this message comes up. I find it strange this has just started happening after some months?

Windows 7 works fine. I'm using a 15" monitor with onboard Intel 82945G chipset.

Is it time for a new gfx card?
Just had a go at changing the resolution in windows to anything above 1024x768 and I'm getting the "signal over range" screen. I know I'm probably one of very few people left using a 15" monitor... would the new distros be booting into higher resolutions now as standard seeing as 90%+ are using bigger monitors?
Yeah the signal over range thing is definitely something trying to set your monitor above its supported resolution. You could try manually configuring your xorg.conf file to cap at 1024x768 and hope the problem goes away.
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