'Silent' case

12 Sep 2005
I have an Antec case which I bought from OCUK a few months back - it was aimed at being silent. I have found if I keep the side panel door open I get a lot less noise because of the vibrations.

I need to keep the door shut now so I am lookign for a case that will not vibrate.

Any ideas? Want something not to massive.

The case I have now is the Sonata 2 which is still quite highly priced on OCUK.

Or does anyoen have any ideas on how to shut the door but remove the vibration sounds?
Pinpoint the item causing the vibration and isolate it corectly... It's a hell of a lot less grief than buying a new case, stripping everything out of your old case and rebuilding your PC only to find you have replicated the problem perfectly in yet another case!
there are lots of anti viberation kits out there i highly recommend you look into them before buying a new case, if you have to get a new case get the class pc-7+. but you must realise that all cases will viberate aslong as they have fans in them. you just need to get anti-viberation fans mounts, hdd mounts and if you finds it is the side panel that is making all the noise you can easily do a home made job to fix that like.
-I-Am-Great- said:
there are lots of anti viberation kits out there i highly recommend you look into them before buying a new case, if you have to get a new case get the class pc-7+. but you must realise that all cases will viberate aslong as they have fans in them. you just need to get anti-viberation fans mounts, hdd mounts and if you finds it is the side panel that is making all the noise you can easily do a home made job to fix that like.

Way to excessive, no need to even spend money on the products.

What exactly is vibrating, bluetac may be able to help if you wedge it between your case and side panel?
I ahve no idea what is causing the sound.

When I put the door on it makes vibrating sounds.

I only have 2 fans in my PC and they are VERY quiet and spin very slowly - my PSU has no fans in it.

The only thign that movies is my hard drive which is in an enclosure at the bottom of the case - however its too big to put anywhere else (the enclousre that is)

Is there any sort of foam i can buy taht will totally stop any vibrations to the floor of the case? it can't be too chunky tho because the HDD enclosure is already cramped in.
First thing to accept is that generally ANY pc case is only as quiet as the stuff you put in it. Swapping to a new case for silence isn't always going to give you what you want.

With regards to your side panel vibrating try dampening that specifically, some kind of shim may work perhaps, wedging the door to the case tightly.

Personally I recall a good few years ago a crap TT case that had a rattling door, I think it was machined half a mm too short here or there, I simply put a minute bend in the door and it fitted snug and never made any sound at all.
buy some sound proffing and do a check list so take a fan out check if no sound take another fan out untill uve found the problem
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