silenx fans

17 Dec 2005
A friend of mine bought a couple of silenx fans and both of them have a problem. Well, infact ones stopped working all together and the other has liquid leaking out of it. Anyone else experienced this before? Dodgy considering how much these things cost!!!
If he'd searched on here he would have seen that they're over-priced, over-hyped re-badged Adda fans with frankly ludicrous quoted specs.

Return them and ask for a refund.
I was quite shocked when he told me he had problems with 2/2 fans.

Certainly put me off them thats for sure.

Showed him this forum today at work so hopefully he will use it again.
Best silent fans around are Yate Loon D12SL-12. You can get nexus (rewound, slower yates that cost 2x as much) or you can order some real yates for like 4£ each from germany or fleebay.
47CFM @ 26DBA they say for these er Yate Loon D12SL-12 fans.

Flebay there 8.50 euros and only found 1

They even do a 140x140x25mm one!!! Still poor CFM@s
AC Ryan seams to be good, just gotten my self some and @ 12v do 77cfm @ @ 7v should push least 45cfm and be about 19dBa'ish
Drazic said:
AC Ryan seams to be good, just gotten my self some and @ 12v do 77cfm @ @ 7v should push least 45cfm and be about 19dBa'ish

All the fan stats apart from Delta, Sanyo, Yate Loon and a few other real manufacturers are lies.

For example, antecs, vantec stealths, akasas ambers, and those ac ryans. Yate loons actually the best airflow/noise ratio. Everyone who has better ones lies - ive got quite a few of these "hyped" rebadged fans, and i can tell you that my Yates are either quieter, push more air, or both (in the case of akasa ambers, vantec stealths, and silenx).
Ah - so your AC Ryan fans haven't actually arrived then?

When they do, be VERY careful with them. The build-quality is SHOCKING - there is no sealant around the LED connectors and the independent LED power source shorts out horribly and that can take out your motherboard fan header if it's fused with a good old-fashioned solder fuse (pretty much all of them except Biostar)

Oh - and I sold two to OneWingedAngel and he said they were LOUD!
I'm thinking of trying Nexxus fans. Look smart and have a reasonable reputation.

I've recently bought a thermaltake blue LED fan which works fine, but now I think I'd prefer to go down the more subtle styling route.
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