Silly drivers !!!

23 Dec 2002
Shiny Shanghai
Does anybody have any stories about seeing idiot drivers getting their just deserts ??
It just seems that everytime I see a moron, they get away with it scott free and it really winds me up.

Eg.. The other day I was queuing at temporary traffic lights along with the other 30 or so cars and the lights were on red but this fool came flying down the wrong side of the road well over the speed limit and straight through the lights. Obviously the light at the other end was on green and it was probably pure luck that there were no other cars starting to come the other way.
Another example...queuing at a 3 lane junction to a roundabout and some dude in the leftmost lane wanted to be in the right lane, so the instant the lights changed he accellerated across the other 2 lanes to get where he wanted to be.

Just once I want to see one of these (insert sweary) end up on fire wrapped round a lamp post, because in my opinion, its only a matter of time before they lead to an innocent's death or serious injury and I for one wouldn't miss them or their antics.
Well whatever the rule is, it was still mental as you couldn't see the other end of the roadworks as they were on a bend !!
Is it also an offence to jump out of a queue and do what was probably close to twice the speed limit through some temporary traffic lights on the wrong side of the road during rush hour ? :(

Maybe I should be some kind of undercover traffic cop... I'm ALWAYS seeing stuff like this !!
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