Silly Question about buying Second Hand

21 Oct 2002
How do you actually go about paying for the damn thing if its a bloke selling his car and not a dealer

going to view a couple of cars at the weekend, but how does one get ~ 3000 to someone else instantly?
I have always just paid cash, easiest option if the car is sub £10k or so.

Above that value and i would pay via a building society cheque
Tin Soldier said:
who in their right mind would accept a cheqe, how did you feel carrying all that cash around?
Somebody who waited until it cleared to give you the car? :p
I've carried that amount of cash around before for a car aswell.
I mean, unless you're going on a bus or something, you're not very likely to lose it to some weirdo on the street
Tin Soldier said:
who in their right mind would accept a cheqe, how did you feel carrying all that cash around?

A building society cheque is guaranteed, they write it for you and debit your account when you receive the cheque. So therefore its as good as cash as a building society is hardly not going to have the funds to pay it :D

Cash wise, as long as i am not taking public transport (why would i?) then i would have no problems carrying £10k in cash really.
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