Silly question

13 Jun 2005
Is the thread about sig rules duplicated everywhere else?

I can honestly say I missed the bit about no animated gifs, and the only place I have seen it is in the second sticky down on the last but one subforum.

Not exactly jumping out at people... :confused:

So sorry about that. Didn't see it.
Ah, I see. Thanks.

Since I've already made a fool out of myself once, I shall do so again...

A line of text is defined as having a maximum length of 400 pixels.

Any particular reason? The forum fills the page anyway, so why have text wrap at 400 pixels?

(Not a criticism, specifically, I'm just curious.)
The size limits are somewhat arbitrary but they are in place to keep the page length/width down and to minimize loading times for users with slow transfer speeds.
Hmm... I think anyone running in 800x600 should be too ashamed to admit it by complaining... ;)

Still, I think that's all for now.

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