Silly Xbox 360 Question

20 Oct 2002
Why on earth has it not got a intergrated browser? Surely that would have made it an even bigger seller... Even the PSP has one now... With MS producing the 360 and IE6 they could have easily done it... I will be honest... If they release one via the marketplace i will buy it... They are trying to make the 360 As versitile as possible but they miss the perfect opportunity for this...
Probably when they release a keyboard for text input and not gaming.

(Though some keyboards already work)
Pretty simple really.

Having an integrated browser would mean that in order to use it effectively, you'd need a mouse and keyboard. Users are gonna get miffed in having a computer with a mouse and keyboard and if it is intended to be an integral part of the home entertainment centre, having a mouse and keyboard dangling about near the TV box is gonna upset a few people.

As for *** browser software itself, MS are obviously gonna use their own, and whilst I'm a big MS fanboy, gotta say that from a practical end-user and as a developers point of view, it sucks big time. More holes than swiss cheese, the amount of backdoors it opens up is beyond ridiculous and of course people are gonna be a wee-bit wary of buying something that has IE built in given the reputation of IE of late.

Plus of course it'll need some kind of Windows kernal to run, which would up the price of the console for licensing fees and of course raises the concern again over security flaws, how to update it, etc, etc.

So no, not a silly question, but I think MS are wise not putting browser support in.
But the PSP has a little browser built in... Doesnt have a keyboard and mouse... You also can send and recieve messages via live so it has some sort of email capability already...

I am sure they could produce a locked down version of IE without any problems at all... really just needs all the downloading and installing features removed... Only embedded video media player playback etc.. i am sure it would be possible and secure...
A web browser wouldn't necessarily need some form of windows kernel to run.

Surely the 360 could have some sort of bespoke web browser, rather than using the extremely outdated IE6.

I'm sure we'll be seeing internet browsing facilities on the 360 soon enough along with a wireless keyboard, negating the problem of ugly cables dangling around the tv.
I hope the phantom keyboard will be xbox 360 compatable as thats a good looking lounge setup then.

I don't see myself using a browers but it would be nice to have it. :)
It’s been said that in the not so distant future the dash update will have a web browser and keyboard support. I have also seen an article about keyboards being used for live video chat in the next dash update? Let’s hope and see if this is true

I think the main problem with a web browser is viruses, Trojans or any other things like a 360.brick?? :(
Well to be honest, i dont really think the keyboard/mouse issue is that much of an issue. I mean you need a keyboard for FFXI.
What i do see being a major issue, is having to open up Live to all manner of crap from browsing.
They would have to try get it to auto select not going through live to get it, or put a proxy on live, thus degrading the service for people who actually want to use a games console to erm, play games.
Even if it does find a way to not go through the proxy on the back of live option and go straight through your router for web browsing and through live for other stuff, someone will find a way to get the 2 to interfere with each other.
The PSP is a bit different cause that has a web browser for when you are out and about in wi-fi hot spots, not when you are sat at home with a PC in the same/next room.
But if they do, i wouldnt expect it before Vista, as i am sure the vista launch is when ie7 is launched too.
I think much of the point is that Microsoft want to make it clear that the XBOX 360, like the original XBOX, is first and foremost a next generation gaming system. If things like a web browser are added later they will be little extras - in particular, a web browser that doesn't support much (e.g. no flash or java, say), might well have made the console seem fairly cheap and nasty for someone trying to use it "mainly" as a web browser.
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