
Ok, the longer answer :)

I don't think there will be a sl6, and if there is then it won't be a major upgrade. Think service packs and bug fixes. I wouldn't expect any changes on the Wpf front either.

However all your skills in Xaml and c# are still going to be valid.

Right now on win8 the future is winrt for apps, wpf for full fat desktop apps. Delivery via browser is a toss up between silverlight or html5. I know which I'd choose...

Fast forward a few years and winrt gets more mature you can see that it will displace wpf. Microsoft is betting the bank on HTML for browser delivery as they know a plugin based environment isn't going to be fotm down the road. Sl came about because of flash competition.... Flash is now dead, and so is the reason to press hard with sl.

Whatever happens ms will support sl for the next 10 years at least.
What about DRM'd services like Netflix?
Honest question. Does HTML5 allow for it natively?

ive no idea on whether it supports it, but id guess no. I guess thats another reason why SL will be around for a while yet. ive got customers running our SL code in their retail stores on approx 3500 computers. I dont see us switching out SL for HTML5 at all, and there is no path to WinRT as it will be a long long time before those PC's even have Win8 etc.
Ok, the longer answer :)

I don't think there will be a sl6, and if there is then it won't be a major upgrade.

Right now on win8 the future is winrt for apps, wpf for full fat desktop apps. Delivery via browser is a toss up between silverlight or html5. I know which I'd choose...

Fast forward a few years and winrt gets more mature you can see that it will displace wpf. Microsoft is betting the bank on HTML for browser delivery as they know a plugin based environment isn't going to be fotm down the road.

Thanks for the reply. I will read up on winrt.

Just to fill you in, I'm building CAD/graphics browser apps and need to save quite long text files on the local machine - up to 100MB. SL has a SaveFileDialog and works just fine, but I'd be happy to change to HTML5 (along with the rest of the world) if I can find a way of writing large file to the local machine. HTML5 Localstorage and Sessionstorage dont really cut the mustard. Any ideas? Maybe I should stick with SL?
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sounds interesting. we do something similar but the autocad layer is consumed into the database. we then stream this data over web services to an SL client.

i dont know your use cases or product, but as a general observation id say that whatever you choose, browsers just arent supposed to be writing to the local file system in a big way. maybe a hybrid approach would be better, where a WPF app (multi-threaded + better 3d api) connected to web services hosted by you would be better?
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