Silverpaw Prediction League R21 20/23/26/27 Jan

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
For those unfamiliar with the competition, see the first post in this thread.

Round 21 was planned to be solely a mid-week programme during the week following the 4th round of the FA Cup. However, there have been one or two recent changes to the schedule. Two teams, Manchester United and Hull, who no longer have any interest in the FA Cup this season, have brought their game forward from the mid-week to the day of the 4th round. And a couple of games postponed in the last few weeks have been hastily rearranged to the coming Wednesday. These two are therefore included in round 21.

Round 21 games are:

Wednesday 20th January

Arsenal - Bolton
Liverpool - Tottenham

Weekend 23rd January

Manchester United - Hull

Midweek 26/27 January

Portsmouth - West Ham
Tottenham - Fulham
Wolves - Liverpool
Bolton - Burnley
Aston Villa - Arsenal
Blackburn - Wigan
Chelsea - Birmingham
Everton - Sunderland

Many of you have already made predictions for the first two games, and these will be carried forward. You can, of course, revise them if you wish.

Predictions by 19:45 on Wednesday 20th if you need to forecast the first two games, otherwise by 15:00 on Saturday 23rd if you're happy to stick with your previous predictions.

(I'll include the carried forward predictions in this thread later today.)

Results from Freakitchen for this round.
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Existing predictions for Arsenal v Bolton

[ASSE]Hinchy 4 0
5ingh 3 0
BaZ87 3 0
Big Kev 2 0
CliffyG 4 1
Creature 2 0
crunchee 3 1
Cutler 3 0
daz.wallace 2 0
Drawoh Tesremos 3 0
Fishfingers 3 0
foz2000 3 1
fozzy 4 0
Freakitchen 2 1
gumbald 2 0
HangTime 3 1
jakeke 3 1
JPMslither 3 0
Kaiju 3 0
mad_allan 2 0
Majago 4 1
Miguél 2 0
Nossmayo 3 0
Nursie 2 0
Pigeon_Killer 5 1
Ripper 1 0
Shamikebab 3 0
Steve09 3 0
Stoddy 2 0
Sycho 3 0
syke 2 0
talkshowhost 2 0
The Pat 3 1
y2viks 2 1
Existing predictions for Liverpool v Tottenham

[ASSE]Hinchy 2 1
anant_shah94 1 1
BaZ87 3 1
Big Kev 1 1
cheets64 2 1
CliffyG 2 2
Creature 2 1
crunchee 1 1
Cutler 1 1
daz.wallace 0 1
Drawoh Tesremos 2 1
Fishfingers 2 2
foz2000 2 1
Freakitchen 2 2
gumbald 2 1
HangTime 1 1
jakeke 2 1
JPMslither 2 2
Kaiju 2 1
mad_allan 1 1
Majago 2 1
Miguél 2 1
Nursie 1 1
Pigeon_Killer 11 11
Shamikebab 1 2
simulatorman 2 1
Steve09 1 1
Stoddy 2 1
Sycho 1 1
syke 2 1
talkshowhost 1 1
The Pat 2 1
y2viks 1 1

Sorry about the format. It's the easiest way to get the info quickly from my spreadsheet.
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Think I'll predict new ones.

Wednesday 20th January

Arsenal 2-1 Bolton
Liverpool 2-0 Tottenham

Weekend 23rd January

Manchester United 3-0 Hull

Midweek 26/27 January

Portsmouth 1-1 West Ham
Tottenham 2-1 Fulham
Wolves 0-2 Liverpool
Bolton 1-1 Burnley
Aston Villa 1-2 Arsenal
Blackburn 2-1 Wigan
Chelsea 3-0 Birmingham
Everton 2-1 Sunderland
Manchester United 3-1 Hull

Portsmouth - West Ham
Tottenham 2-1 Fulham
Wolves 0-1 Liverpool
Bolton 3-1 Burnley
Aston Villa 1-2 Arsenal
Blackburn 1-1 Wigan
Chelsea 1-0 Birmingham
Everton 2-1 Sunderland
Arsenal 2 - 0 Bolton
Liverpool 1 - 1 Tottenham

Manchester United 3 - 0 Hull

Portsmouth 1 - 2 West Ham
Tottenham 1 -1 Fulham
Wolves 1 - 2 Liverpool
Bolton 1 - 0 Burnley
Aston Villa 1 - 1 Arsenal
Blackburn 0 - 0 Wigan
Chelsea 3 -1 Birmingham
Everton 1 - 0 Sunderland
Manchester United 4-0 Hull

Portsmouth 1-1 West Ham
Tottenham 1-1 Fulham
Wolves 1-2 Liverpool
Bolton 1-0 Burnley
Aston Villa 0-2 Arsenal
Blackburn 1-0 Wigan
Chelsea 2-0 Birmingham
Everton 2-0 Sunderland
Manchester United 4-0 Hull

Portsmouth 1-1 West Ham
Tottenham 1-1 Fulham
Wolves 1-2 Liverpool
Bolton 2-2 Burnley
Aston Villa 1-3 Arsenal
Blackburn 2-1 Wigan
Chelsea 4-0 Birmingham
Everton 2-0 Sunderland
Manchester United 1-0 Hull

Midweek 26/27 January

Portsmouth 1-2 West Ham
Tottenham 1-0 Fulham
Wolves 1-1 Liverpool
Bolton 2-2 Burnley
Aston Villa 1-2 Arsenal
Blackburn 2-1 Wigan
Chelsea 3-0 Birmingham
Everton 2-1 Sunderland
New prediction for the Liverpool - Spurs game. Kept the Arsenal game the same but including it just to make it easier for you.

Arsenal 3-0 Bolton
Liverpool 2-1 Tottenham

Manchester United 3-0 Hull

Portsmouth 0-1 West Ham
Tottenham 1-0 Fulham
Wolved 0-1 Liverpool
Bolton 1-1 Burnley
Aston Villa 1-2 Arsenal
Blackburn 2-0 Wigan
Chelsea 2-0 Birmingham
Everton 2-0 Sunderland
Manchester United 5-0 Hull
Portsmouth 1-1 West Ham
Tottenham 2-1 Fulham
Wolves 1-3 Liverpool
Bolton 2-0 Burnley
Aston Villa 1-1 Arsenal
Blackburn 3-1 Wigan
Chelsea 2-0 Birmingham
Everton 2-1 Sunderland
I've kept my first two predictions the same as my originals.

Wednesday 20th January
Arsenal 4-0 Bolton
Liverpool 2-1 Tottenham

Weekend 23rd January
Manchester United 3-0 Hull

Midweek 26/27 January
Portsmouth 0-1 West Ham
Tottenham 2-0 Fulham
Wolved 0-1 Liverpool
Bolton 1-0 Burnley
Aston Villa 0-1 Arsenal
Blackburn 1-0 Wigan
Chelsea 0-0 Birmingham
Everton 1-0 Sunderland
Wednesday 20th January

Arsenal 2 - 0 Bolton
Liverpool 0 - 1 Tottenham

Weekend 23rd January

Manchester United 2 - 0 Hull

Midweek 26/27 January

Portsmouth 0 - 1 West Ham
Tottenham 1 - 0 Fulham
Wolves 0 - 1 Liverpool
Bolton 1 - 0 Burnley
Aston Villa 0 - 1 Arsenal
Blackburn 0 - 1 Wigan
Chelsea 2 - 0 Birmingham
Everton 0 - 1 Sunderland

I've changed my prediction for the Liverpool - spurs game
Weekend 23rd January

Manchester United 4 - 0 Hull

Midweek 26/27 January

Portsmouth 1 - 2 West Ham
Tottenham 3 - 2 Fulham
Wolves 1 - 2 Liverpool
Bolton 2 - 0 Burnley
Aston Villa 1 - 2 Arsenal
Blackburn 1 - 1 Wigan
Chelsea 2 - 1 Birmingham
Everton 2 - 0 Sunderland
Arsenal 2 - 1 Bolton
Liverpool 1 - 1 Tottenham
Manchester United 4 - 0 Hull
Portsmouth 0 - 1 West Ham
Tottenham 2 - 0 Fulham
Wolves 1 - 2 Liverpool
Bolton 2 - 0 Burnley
Aston Villa 2 - 2 Arsenal
Blackburn 1 - 1 Wigan
Chelsea 3 - 1 Birmingham
Everton 2 - 0 Sunderland
Wednesday 20th January

Arsenal 2 - 0 Bolton
Liverpool 2 - 1 Tottenham

Weekend 23rd January

Manchester United 3 - 0 Hull

Midweek 26/27 January

Portsmouth 1 - 2 West Ham
Tottenham 2 - 1 Fulham
Wolves 1 - 3 Liverpool
Bolton 1 - 1 Burnley
Aston Villa 2 - 1 Arsenal
Blackburn 1 - 2 Wigan
Chelsea 3 - 1 Birmingham
Everton 2 - 1 Sunderland
Arsenal 3 - 0 Bolton
Liverpool 2 - 2 Tottenham

Manchester United 3 - 0 Hull

Portsmouth 1 - 1 West Ham
Tottenham 2 -1 Fulham
Wolves 0 - 1 Liverpool
Bolton 1 - 1 Burnley
Aston Villa 1 - 2 Arsenal
Blackburn 1 - 0 Wigan
Chelsea 1 -1 Birmingham
Everton 2 - 0 Sunderland
Arsenal 2-0 Bolton
Liverpool 2-1 Tottenham

Manchester United 4-0 Hull

Portsmouth 1-2 West Ham
Tottenham 2-1 Fulham
Wolves 1-2 Liverpool
Bolton 2-0 Burnley
Aston Villa 1-2 Arsenal
Blackburn 2-1 Wigan
Chelsea 3-0 Birmingham
Everton 2-1 Sunderland
Wednesday 20th January
Arsenal 3-1 Bolton
Liverpool 1-1 Tottenham

Weekend 23rd January
Manchester United 3-0 Hull

Midweek 26/27 January
Portsmouth 0-0 West Ham
Tottenham 2-0 Fulham
Wolves 0-2 Liverpool
Bolton 1-0 Burnley
Aston Villa 1-1 Arsenal
Blackburn 1-0 Wigan
Chelsea 1-0 Birmingham
Everton 2-1 Sunderland
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