Right ive been looking at this case here the Silverstone Temjin TJ05 - Silver (5th one down here ), and thinking of getting a one, ive had a look at one in my local shop, and it seems ideal for me as its longer than the one i have now, so i should be able to get all my HD's, Floppy etc... plugged in fine with plenty of room to spare, as at the moment with the case ive got the drives are right up against my motherboard, and when plugging the cables in i had to squash them in as they are right up against my x1800, so its a bit fiddly, and i aint got my floppy connected as theres no way i can get the cable in what with the bays being so close to the board, so has anyone got one of these cases, and what do you think of them, any good, plenty of space etc... or general opinions ?