Silverstone Strider ST60F or Seasonic S12

The S12-600's are great but I'd go for this one myself,

FSP Sparkle FX600-GLN Epsilon 600W

It's ~85% efficient, extremely quiet and rock solid :). It has nice long cables too!
I'll vote for the Seasonic. I don't have either but that's the choice I'd make based on their reputation.
fornowagain said:
Quads (or single) is the way to go.

Another reason to get the FSP, quad rails. The FSP was slightly more stable than the S12 at full load iirc but was beaten by it on price, but as it's cheaper than it now, it seems a better choice to me.

Search for "fsp 600" and you'll find a review of it in the Labs section.
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