Silverstone TJ08 questions

10 Jun 2005
Not found satisfactory answers from reviews.

The aluminium front has a foam layer behind the intake grill. Is it just a screen to hide internals or a dust filter? And how easy is it to remove/put back the foam layer?

How resistance is the paint job to rear screw fixing?

Do the drive bay covers lose their position easily, thus gaps form?

What PSU, modular or fixed cable, is fitted?

Any other similar dimension cases to recommend as an alternative? Looking at quaility cases, but don't want ATX size.

There is a piece of foam behind the front grille (in front of the 12cm fan)

look here..

The bit under the screw paint does ge removes, but noting unusual about that (screws rotating on the surface) Doesn't really matter.

There are gaps around the drive bay will be sucked into the case, if you push hard enough will move (mainly 3.5") 5.25" allow more fixings.

No PSU is included. I use a Seasonic S12. Get a fixed cable, as you can see not a lot of depth between drives and PSU..
- The filter is easily removable.

- Not sure what you mean but tightening screws remove the paint under the screw head.

- The bay covers are fixed firm but gaps exist due to covers being slightly smaller than the bay.

- No PSU is fitted.

- I don't recommend the TJ08 but don't know of a similar alternative ie matx tower.
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