Silverstone - what to expect?

28 Jun 2006
Somewhere in Bristol
Ok so I am a complete petrolhead, and will be jumping about like a loon once the racing gets underway, but can those of you have been to Silverstone before tell me what I should try and see/do, what things I need to take with me, and what sort of stands, other things there are to see before the main event gets underway.

I am going Saturday and Sunday, will be there late morning on Saturday, and then very early on the Sunday.

Gimme some hints/tips/useful info please!!!
I take it this is all just for the Sunday, whats the parking like on the Saturday? We have a park and ride pass for the Sunday.
Thanks you lot this is all really helpful! :)
Are earplugs really necessary, I thought that was all part of the fun?
Lunatic Dreyfus said:
Give Kimi a cheer for me, Knip! ;) Or, if you must, just cheer on that other fella you seem to like. What's his name..? :D

Take an umbrella (my top tip there) and enjoy yourself. I'm sure us Grand Prix posters will spare you a (jealous) thought on Saturday/Sunday.
Thanks, will be weird actually not posting in the GP thread, as for a brolly I am hoping to purchase an F1 brolly at some point in the weekend. And yes I shall be cheering on all the British guys, lets hope Jenson can have a successful weekend, and I have my face on DC's car which will make me wince every time he gets a bit too close to a kerb or barrier :D
Plus I will be cheering for the lovely Lewis as well.
I promise to come back and bore you all silly with it!
(promise to do a yay for Kimi at some point just for you LD! :) )
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