Simple CSS Menu Troubleshooting style

18 May 2006
My friends just copied and pasted some code off one of those free css website for a dropdown menu.. I've got it this far but been on the computer for over 12 hours so its not what I want to be doing right now - can anyone see what is stopping the dropdown menu background colour style from being equil on both sides and why the background colour pink on the dropdowns doesnt cover all the text

Thanks J thats sorted it however it's still padded within the background colour weirdly any ideas nows how to get the pink to pad evenly on both sides of it all

the css is from this place according to the commenting
Is it something to do with the alignment - I noticed in the code there was 2 little images being referenced which I assume would have gone to the left but I set these to 0 and can't see anywhere thats padded the text over
I just tried it with all this gone as its still referencing that gif

ul.pureCssMenu span{


ul.pureCssMenu li:hover>a>span{ background-image:url(./images/arrv_white.gif);

ul.pureCssMenu a:hover span{ _background-image:url(./images/arrv_white.gif)}

ul.pureCssMenu ul span,ul.pureCssMenu a:hover table span{background-image:url(./images/arr_white.gif)}

Its still not central tho - did your test get it more aligned? ps thanks for your help fella
Ah sorry I'm using Chrome and its still showing more padding to the left - but also yes ideally the dropdown will be even padding also
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