Simple enterprise-wide metrics for network, server and storage capacity

17 May 2016

This looks like the best forum on which to beg for help; hello all and many thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.

I’m trying to devise a very simple set of questions that can be posed to CIOs/CTOs to establish in a very top-level way what the scale and scalability is of their current infrastructure.

Ideally, this would be a single metric governing current usage, and total capacity, for the network, and similarly a single metric for usage and capacity of the server estate, and finally a single metric for usage and capacity of storage. One thing I'm hoping is that the delta between usage and capacity (and the ratio between users and usage/capacity) should give a very rough approximation of the need for major investment or for cloud solutions.

Yes, it’s really crude, but I’m trying to get a simple metric to take to CIOs/CTOs amongst a whole bunch of other questions.

I’m not even sure, though, that enterprise IT departments think in absolutes like this. I guess that for network capacity the right metric is going to be transactions per second (or connections per second?). But would CTOs even think about this in terms of all LANs within the enterprise – or would they only think of it in terms of individual LANs, or individual assets within that LAN?

So is there a better single question about network capacity that provides a good rough guide to how futureproofed the network is? Similarly, is there a killer question for server or for storage?

I get that if an enterprise has cloud storage or hosting service arrangements, the total theoretical capacity may be limitless. I also get that because some applications may be in-house while others are hosted/stored by a cloud provider, there may be limitless capacity available to certain applications while others could face capacity problems. Similarly there would be issues about different levels of security attaching to data, which again mean that a single number to govern server or storage usage might be implausible.

However the sector I’m asking the questions of is pretty immature in cloud, and has high security requirements, so most data is kept on-premise or in shared datacentres.

Hope the question makes sense and any thoughts at all would be really useful.
Lots of views and no replies so far - any answer at all would be enormously helpful.

If I simply asked a CTO the following questions, would (in your view) they be meaningful and answerable?

- What is the current max usage and max capacity of your core network expressed as connections per second?
- What is the current max usage and max capacity of your server estate in Xb?
- What is the current max usage and max capacity of your storage estate in Xb?
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