Simple hyperlink hover - border not showing in IE

20 Oct 2002

You can view the source... the CSS is in the same file. On 'tranquilmedia' (bottom right) thats a link and it should show a bottom-border when you hover (check it in FF). In IE it's simply refusing to :confused: Works fine in FF, but IE does the same thing on the links inside the popup as well. Whats the deal? :confused:

Oh, it's not border: 0; on the * selector thats causing it, i've tried removing that.. :confused:
I don't know what you're doing wrong, I don't really have time to pick apart your site completely.

However, take solace in the fact that IE does support it, as I use a bottom border on my <a> links on my test site. - You can see on the bottom navigation that it works in IE. Maybe double checking what I've done compared to yours might help? :)
This is pretty strange. It seems to be a problem with absolute positioning, and borders.

See the following, massively cutdown version
 <style type="text/css">
  #copyright { position: absolute; right: 1%; bottom: 1%; text-align: right; }
  a:link { text-decoration: none; }
  a:hover { text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #2ea8fe; }
  <div id="copyright">
   <a href="mailto:[email protected]">tranquilmedia</a>

Take position: absolute; out of the #copyright definition, and it works, albeit with the element in the wrong place. Other attributes seem to be ok - color, background-color, etc.

And to really rub in the strangeness - border-left and border-right are fine. Just not top and bottom.

Is there any reason you can't use text-decoration: underline;, since you're keeping the colour the same?
It's likely to be a layout issue related to the hasLayout property that IE gives to elements dependant on their style - which only then allows you to manipulate it in the ways you'd expect to be able to. The absolute positioning will be contributing to that.

Give the child <p> element of #copyright a position: relative property to give it hasLayout, and you should see it working :).

#copyright p {
position: relative;}
You can give hasLayout to an element in a variety of ways, but the position:relative property is safe enough and validates.
Thanks Augmented. I'm not really sure what you're on about but it does work :p

I've fixed the copyright underline on the splash by doing what you've said, and also on the popup's header by changing from position: absolute; to position: relative;, easy enough!

However, the hyperlink on the popup's footer don't seem to want to play nice. Any ideas?

<div id="footer">
<p class="left">
<a href="about.html" title="About Tranquil Media" target="vidframe">about</a> | 
<a href="contact.html" title="Contact Tranquil Media" target="vidframe">contact</a> | 
<a href="clients" title="Client Login" target="vidframe">client login</a>

<p class="right">copyright &copy; <a href="mailto:[email protected]" title="Click to email Tranquil Media">tranquilmedia</a> 2006. all rights reserved.</p></div><!--/footer-->

div#footer {	
	clear: both;
	width: 100%;
	height: 20px;
	overflow: hidden;
	text-align: center;
	color: #2ea8fe;
	background: #fff url(img/footer-bg.jpg) no-repeat scroll bottom;
div#footer p.right { float: right; margin-right: 0.5em;}

div#footer p.left { float: left; margin-left: 0.5em; color: #4f4f4f;}


EDIT: I did a spot of reading and tried a number of things. Adding height: 100%; seems to work, and not effect the layout. Is this ok to use? :confused:

div#footer p.right { float: right; margin-right: 0.5em; height: 100%;}

div#footer p.left { float: left; margin-left: 0.5em; color: #4f4f4f; height: 100%;}
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