Simple Machines forums?

29 Dec 2004
I just started using Simple Machines Forums (SMF) at my site and just wanted to know if any of you guys/girls have had any experience with it?

I have been using it for about two weeks testing it and it seems pretty decent, just wanted to know if anyone has any opinion on it and if there are any worthwhile mods/addons i should be looking to install, etc?

The site is over here, and im pretty chuffed with it on the whole. So unless anyone has any reasons otherwise i would highly recommend it!

Oh and i know there aren't realy any members and on the whole there isn't much there - but its a work in progress, i just want to make sure the backend works first :)
Not heard of Olympus before, i used to use phpBB a couple years back and didn't find it too great back then - although i'll assume its improved since. Will give Olympus a try at some point.

I pretty happy with the theme, compared to many out there its the one for me - not too colourful or over the top, just right.
richieboy said:
Will give Olympus a try at some point.
it's in the second phase of beta testing at the moment. i've been using it since release and i think it's superb. much better than phpbb2. simple machines is a good one though. if it came down to either phpbb2 or smf, then i'd choose smf. but with olympus just around the corner smf is going to have some catching up to do.
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