I've been moving files to and from a server using rsync over ssh as and when required. This works excellently, provided at least scp is available. Occasionally however it would be useful to be able to access files through any web browser.
I'd like a password on this, but have no illusions regarding it being as secure as a box that only allows ssh traffic.
Apache is clearly capable of this, but seems wildly overkill. I think the added complexity will leave me with a program that takes far more effort to secure than I'm willing to put into this.
I'd therefore like to be pointed at the right tool for the job. http is preferred, ideally secure http, but ftp would be acceptable too. I'm hoping for something as straight forward as one text configuration file, one binary, and to access a directory specified in said configuration file through a password (which can also be written in plaintext in the config file).
Which program do I want? Cheers
I'd like a password on this, but have no illusions regarding it being as secure as a box that only allows ssh traffic.
Apache is clearly capable of this, but seems wildly overkill. I think the added complexity will leave me with a program that takes far more effort to secure than I'm willing to put into this.
I'd therefore like to be pointed at the right tool for the job. http is preferred, ideally secure http, but ftp would be acceptable too. I'm hoping for something as straight forward as one text configuration file, one binary, and to access a directory specified in said configuration file through a password (which can also be written in plaintext in the config file).
Which program do I want? Cheers