Any recommendations on cheapish set up? Say £150? Was thinking soundbar but I think I'd prefer speakers. Open to suggestions though.
No need for surround sound as I'm in the flat.
Thanks lucid. I was looking at A100 but thought there might be cheaper option. I guess I didn't appreciate the lack of remote controls on cheaper amps.
I don't use TV often to watch films as I have a projector in my man cave so trying to do it on cheap.
If I was to attach htpc as well should I go for AV receiver or stereo amp with 2 optical inputs (if they exist) is still better option?
Thanks all for replies. My TV is fairly old so might get lucky. I'll check tonight.
Alternatively what about this package ? Hope it's OK to link, sorry if not.
Other than blue-ray drive on htpc I currently don't have a cd player. It also has 2 optical inputs so I could connect both my htpc and TV/ humax box to it.
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