simple xhtml/javascript question

20 May 2004
hi :)

got a strange problem going on. i'm putting together a form for people to sign up to a newsletter. i'd like to find out if people are already a member of my organisation during the newsletter signup process.

my code works in Firefox and Opera, but not Internet Explorer. :(

i'm using the following code:
<form name="survey">

	<fieldset id="membershipstatus">
	<legend>Are you already a member?</legend>
	<input id="alreadymember" name"member" type="radio" onclick="window.document.survey.sendapplication.checked=false" />
	<label for="alreadymember">Yes</label>
	<br />

	<input id="notmember" name"member" type="radio" onclick="window.document.survey.sendapplication.checked=true" />
	<label for="notmember">No</label>
	<br />
		<input id="sendapplication" name"sendapplication" type="checkbox" style="margin-left:25px" />
		<label for="sendapplication">Please send me a membership application pack</label>
		<br />	


the idea is to have two radio-buttons: Yes and No.
When clicking on No, the checkbox below, asking if you'd like a membership pack, should be ticked by default. If the user were to click on Yes again, this box should be unticked.

as i said, it works in Firefox and Opera but not IE. what am i doing wrong? :confused:

any help would be massively appreciated, this is driving me nuts, i bet its something really simple too...
*smacks forehead*
i can't believe i forgot to put in the "equals" characters.
that fixed it, so thanks!

i may actually opt for the DOM approach as you suggested. looks much cleaner!
thanks for your help.
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