Sims 2 cheats (cant get the box to show)

26 Jan 2006
Anyone know why i cant get the box to show up when i do the Ctrl, Shift, C, doesnt bring up anything, donwloaded all the patches still nothing, is their even a certain way you have to hit the keys.

(im sick off work and need sommin to kill the time lol)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If memory serves me right it only works while in 'game mode', if you're in design mode it wont work.

I think that was it, something like that.
umm dont know, my "sim" i walking about doing his thing, im pressing the buttons, still nothing, its actully got to the point i just want it to work, nevermind the cheats!
Not using a "copy" of The Sims 2 are you?
It's knwon that pirate versions have both graphical and control issues.
Strange though it may seem and quite how it was done people don't seem to know.
However people who were on various forums describing graphical glithes and issues and problems where SIM's stop responding, not doing as they are told and countless other "strange" things all had one thing in common - they had all stolen the game (not saying this is the case, so please don't shout back if you are using a legitimate copy of the game)

If you are using a bought copy - try reapplying the latest patch?
If you aren't then buy it - it will keep you occupied for a long time.
ha haaaaaaaa found the problem.

CurserXP use's the same ctrl shift c command when it boots up, you have to disable it before you play the game.
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