Sims 2 Experts

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
Do all the expansion packs fully integrate like they did in the origional Sims?

Is there any way you can pick up all the expansions and the Sims 2 in one pack?

EA disgust me. To buy all of them brand new comes out in the region of about £80.

Tommy B said:
Do all the expansion packs fully integrate like they did in the origional Sims?

Is there any way you can pick up all the expansions and the Sims 2 in one pack?

EA disgust me. To buy all of them brand new comes out in the region of about £80.

Are EA to blame maybe its the people buying the crappy expansions :p
I thought the sims was quite good in a new/different way when it was first out, whats the second one like now? The game and all the expansions being unreasonably priced put me off and maybe being a bit older now did as well, ea seem to think they can charge the same amount for a game years after its release, pathetic. :rolleyes:
It's their problem not mine.

The Sims (origional) should be available with ALL expansion packs on one DVD for a reasonable price - £20?

They did this with Command & Conquer and it kind of worked. Although they put no effort whatsoever in to updating the games. On my PC, only Zero Hour and Generals seem to work to my satisfaction. Everything else had bugs.

With the Sims however, they have done this pathetic series of expansion packs where you get 2 for each pack. They charge about £15/pack.
Yeah i agree, in that C&C pack i would have hoped for some sort of front end to all the games instead of each of thier old style menus and updated with full network support, higher resolutions etc.
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