Single Player

19 Oct 2005
Hi all

I need you to recommend a new or up coming single player game that has the option of internet gaming when im home from uni.

My university has a big ass firewall which will not allow multiplayer games to be played across the network nor over the Interweb.

Wouldnt mind a war or stratagy game and I really have not played a good game in a while.

My current game collection is not fantastic, or any good for that matter.

It consists of a few GTA games, C&C RA 1 & 2, ST Elite Force 1, ST Armada 1, ST Bridge Commander.

My mates play WOW a lot but Its not worth buying for me as I cant play online unless Im home which is like once every 2 or 3 weeks.

Any suggestions?
Half life 2? Opens up a fair few options on the multiplayer front as well as having a fantastic single player game.

Same goes for Quake.

For Strategy try something like Warcraft 3 or maybe C&C Generals (Although it isn't as good as Red Alert 2).
Supreme Commander is due out sometime in the next Decade, so that's one to look forward to.

Going off the RTS side, onto the single player RPGs and adventure, some a little old, but great if you've not played them:
Knights of the Old Republic I and II
System Shock 2
Deus Ex (not Invisible War)
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Quronos said:
Hi all

I need you to recommend a new or up coming single player game that has the option of internet gaming when im home from uni.

My university has a big ass firewall which will not allow multiplayer games to be played across the network nor over the Interweb.

Wouldnt mind a war or stratagy game and I really have not played a good game in a while.

My current game collection is not fantastic, or any good for that matter.

It consists of a few GTA games, C&C RA 1 & 2, ST Elite Force 1, ST Armada 1, ST Bridge Commander.

My mates play WOW a lot but Its not worth buying for me as I cant play online unless Im home which is like once every 2 or 3 weeks.

Any suggestions?

if its southampton i have mates there and we play MOHAA online all the time
I'd say Half Life 1/2 both great games for single player, some people hate Steam though (Would if work in the uni?)

Also San Andreas, Vice City and GTA 3 are all amazing games.
david.n.c said:
if its southampton i have mates there and we play MOHAA online all the time

Your friends are probably at the Southampton University, where as I am at Southampton Solent University.

Our Firewall seems to stop all non browser traffic (except messengers) where as theirs doesnt. So we can't play online games, but they can.

Half life 1 & 2 sounds good! anyone suggest any war (like) games? RA 2 is ace, but dated, plus ive completed it so often its just getting boring!
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