Single storey rear extension

16 Feb 2009
In the middle of purchasing a property and looking to extend it to the rear between 3.5 metres to 4 metres deep, 5.5 metres wide with a height of 2.5 metres with a flat roof (ply, roof membrane – felt ). The roof will be finished with parapet with with joists deep enough to accommodate a future first floor extension.

Therefore when I come to build the first floor extension if the need arises all I need to do is take the capping off the parapets, rip the felt off and extend up to my wall plate height.

The building works will be undertaken by my Dad who is a retired builder with my help on site. As hes not undertaken any building works for a number of years hes totally out of keeping with build costs. I talked to a friend who works for a building company and he stated the average going rate for an extension with labour is roughly £1000-1250/m2 which would be around 22-28k for my proposed extension.

Considering that there will be no labour cost would anyone have an idea of what the build cost would be?

Regarding Architect drawings a friend is drawing up plans.
I will be dealing with the planning application and building control application.
Party wall act I am aware of and can deal with that.

The house is a timber frame brick skinned dating from the 1970s and this may require some steel work when extending according to the building control off I spoke with today.
The friend works for a national building company and manages all the building regs on large new estates. I would need to employ a engineer once I have spoken to Building Control on whats required
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