singlecue Gesture Control for your TV and Entertainment Devices

It's pretty new but if you have a look at the reviews here it sounds like it's something to keep an eye on for the future but not worth it right now.
Then I can't see why you would need anything else.

If you want to upgrade, get the Harmony Elite...but it would be a bit pointless if you have an 'Ultimate'
But the singlecue is something totally different to a normal remote that you would need to hold and press the buttons & screen
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Different yes, not better in my experience.

I've used an Xbox 360 Kinect, Xbox One Kinect (which has an IR blaster) and Samsung Gesture control and none have ever made me think 'wow, this is the future'

When you can, in 2 seconds, grab a remote control and press a button to do the same thing, more accurately.
I know what you mean..

As i have an Xbox 360 Kinect and it pretty much useless as you need to be at a set distance or it doesn't work properly ..
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