Sintered or organic brake pads for the road?

7 Oct 2009
Title says all really, I'm after some new brake pads and have been told EBC are the way to go.

Found brake pads that will fit my bike but now I'm unsure whether or not sintered or organic are more suitable for the road? There's not much price difference in them, about 5 quid.

After researching I've found mixed opinions based on things I don't really understand :o

So I pass it over to the experienced minds of OcUk's bikers.
From what I remember, I think sintered can wear your disks quicker, but perform better in the rain, and organic will cause less wear, but aren't as good in the rain.
But on a bike I suppose, organic is the way to go, as I doubt the braking power is reduced significantly enough for you to be affected, as you're not really looking to brake so hard as to lock the wheels. And will give you the longer life on your disks.
go sintered,organic wont last five minutes,ive always used sintered pads for years and discs are still original ones,could go for cheaper goldfren sintered pads,i havnt noticed any difference coming from ebc to goldfren
Goldfren arent bad for commuting but thats where id draw the line..

SBS pads are great for road and track and cheap too. Id say better than EBC
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