Siri Proxy

9 Mar 2010
EDIT: To be clear from the outset this is not a way to get Siri working on other iPhones - you need an iPhone 4S to make this work.

Hum, a search on this forum brings nothing up... I figured there would be quite a bit of chat on this.

Doesn't require modifying your iPhone 4S in any way shape or form and simply intercepts the commands after processing from the Apple servers. - Installing SiriProxy - Installing Siri Proxy plugins

Obviously once intercepted and understood by your machine on your network you can get it to anything.

There's already a pretty sweet Plex remote plugin:

I'm more interested in the work on the XBMC plugin myself as this is what I use:
Unfortunately it's not quite as mature yet.

Got the Proxy up and running with the IMDB plugin so you can ask it "show I see Minority Report" and it gives a response based on how many starts it got.

Think I might have to write my own one... just not quite sure what for yet! :D
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So no one is playing with this?!

Controlling XBMC is amazingly useful! No more plodding through the menus just say what you want to watch. Love it.
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