site check - work in progress and float annoyance in ie6



18 Oct 2002

been working in this for the last week or so and its about 70% done - code is still really messy in places and there is lots of renaming still to be done but it should all validate, apart from the usual css warnings.

general feedback is appreciated :)

in particular, if u load up the technical page or the contact us page in ie6 for the first time, u should notice the right floated column shunt about 10 pixels to the right. if u then refresh the page, it will go back to normal. i have no idea why its doing this apart from its probably something to do with how badly ie6 interprets floats.

can anyone shed any light on the issue? the only fix i found was setting 'display: inline;' for the parent div, but that meant i lost the scroll bar instead, so it aint much of a fix :p

thanks in advance
it looks good.

i am not keen on those really big atmosphere setting pictures because it means i have to scroll down to see any content (1280x768 screen)
noted - but the blue squiggles are kind of placeholders as i havent found any decent images to go there yet
I like it a lot. Might look rubbish on 1024 x 768. Not a lot you can do about that unfortunately. You could ignore it, but that would be silly really as it's still the most used res, and particularly as it will most likely be viewed on business machines which are more likely to be old and use lower resolutions.

Design is excellent. It looks great, nice clean lines, a bit of colour and interest. Easy to navigate. Each page feels different while keeping the theme (helped by the intro pics). Information is easy to get at (table's etc are used well).

I haven't checked the code - will leave that to you. IE6 is a pain, no idea about that. Also, the nav is wrong in IE7. The links are small, looks like the padding or display:block arent right.

Excellent job, very nice :)
Boz said:
mind giving me an ie7 screenshot? i havent bothered updating my ie yet :(
Very well:

Also, you can get a standalone version of IE6 with a little research. When beansprout's uploader is back I'll upload it there. Mail me if you want it without the hassle.
I really like it. Only issue is with the menu images, sometimes when you hover over them it goes white for a seconds while it loads the roll over. Might be worth preloading them.

And I do agree about the image at the top of each page, its just a bit too long/deep

Well Done

very nice and clean. I don't know if it's because you haven't finished yet, but the links to validate the css and xhtml don't go anywhere. :)

On the CSS you seem to be suffering like me with the annoying warning:

You have no color with your background-color

Really do like the design though. Nice and easy to navigate too.
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