Site help

19 Oct 2005
I cant seem to get my site listed on google it was for a while now it wont list me for some reason. Would an about page on my site be helpfull?

If someone could check my site out and see what im doing wrong or what i could do to help in my ranking that would be great. Also any advice in improving my design would be grreatly appreciated. Remeber though my site doesnt want to look convential and clean like most of the website folk have here.
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What sort of age bracket are you in though?no offence. So should it show up in google ok? I will sort out the text colour so it is more readable. Its cool i appreacite your advice immensley.
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thanks for your advice folks! Iv managed to get a few links around the place so i suppose il play the waiting game and fix the problems you have identified.
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