Six years in prison for a shag on the beach?

15 Nov 2003

While I'm in no way defending their behaviour, and of course am all for following the rules of another country while there... The article does highlight a slight double standard...

Cohabitation is illegal, but Dubai, I suspect, is more than happy to take everyone ones holiday money when it comes to unmarried couples visiting?

I'm sure they'd take my money if I went on holiday there and stayed in a hotel room with my GF?
Cohabitation is illegal, but Dubai, I suspect, is more than happy to take everyone ones holiday money when it comes to unmarried couples visiting?

I'm sure they'd take my money if I went on holiday there and stayed in a hotel room with my GF?

Surely I shouldn't be able to book a room for myself an girlfriend?
Apparently in Dubai they're strict on everything. You can leave a wallet full of money unattended in a club and bet your life on it not being stolen.

People have gone to jail for having almost microscopic amounts of cannibis in their luggage from when they fly over to Dubai and they're searched.

It's not a case of respecting the laws as such, its that you should damn well know about the laws before travelling and if you don't like it, don't ******* go there.

Their laws are hideously strict but why do so many people go there if it's that bad?

But apparently not so harsh that although it's illegal to cohabit, it's not illegal in a hotel room? Hmmm... Guess $$$$ talks!
Luckily she wasn't raped. Would have been 10 years for going out alone and asking for it. **** :D

For goodness sake... Get a grip man! You know next to nothing about this case yet go throwing terms like that around... Having fun sitting on your couch throwing out justice? :rolleyes:
Serves her right for getting her tuppence tickled in public.

Several beers and she probably thought she was a hot bit of stuff anyway and so wanted to show herself off. I bet if she was a looker, her picture would have been all over the place. As it is not, my bet is she looks like a Monkey taking a dump.

*Shudders at the rhetoric from another couch judge*

Amazing the nonsense/muck that comes from peoples mouths when safetly tucked away at the end of an internet cable...
For a forum where I suspect fairly intelligent people visit, there's some fairly unintelligent and garish opinions/comments going on...

Quite simply, before condemning this women to death, or something approaching it, (or suggesting she deserves to be raped), maybe we should first be sure of the facts... *sheesh*

But I suspect the facts might get in the way for some of the couch-opinion-heros here!

it appears she broke the law, but this could range from a kiss/cuddle, to sex in a public place. We don't actually what she did (in reality)... So maybe the cries for a public lynching are a little early!
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