sketch up help/tutorials.

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
I'm trying to make a model in sketchup. or would a different program be better for this?

and although I've done a few basic things, pushing, pulling and cutting.
I just cant get to the next stage and no tutorials I've found have helped.

and wondering if any one can help me or show me relevant tutorials.
probably better one or two question at a time, as there's a huge amount I cant do.
but basically I'm trying to model a planes wing, then hollow it out, apply openings and internal support sections. then slice it into several separate parts. So it could be 3d printed then slotted and glued back together.

can you, or is there a plugin that can draw a shape using a list of coordinates?

and how would the best way to create an object that changes shape in all three axis, as cutting and pulling is two dimensional? or what's the best way to get that shape precisely into sketch up?

I thought maybe crating a shape that runs through the centre of the aerofoil, then making and resizing the aerofoil and placing them along the shape at regular points, then somehow connecting it all up to make a solid shape?

so trying to apply this to make a tapering wing
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Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Is there not a way to use the coordinates, I have a big list of them, through the ruby console or other method.

Edit just found a plugin that supposedly will do it, just put it in the plugin folder in sketchup, but the plugin toolbar isn't showing, isn't it meant to auto show, if you have a plugin.
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Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
this is what I've managed so far, making a free hand simple aerofoil.




you can see the circle coming out the front, as the face its meeting is curved it wont attach to it and so protrudes out. How do I make that circle flush with the curved face?

also when I accidently delete a face, how do I fill it back in? excluding undo or deleting and redrawing one of the edges.

this is the plugin i'm trying to install

is it because its for sketchup 8 rather than 2013.
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