Skin Slippage

So a muscle bound good looking fellow who has spent years p1ssing around on oil dereks can suddenly come back onto the scene and hack highly protected networks in a matter of seconds....

Yeah but he probably thought modern day scene was wicked cool because he could write a "worm program" using 3D cubes across 6 monitors whilst standing up and with an en-suite wine rack. He probably thought he was in heaven compared to his old skool days writing worms on cardboard punch cards :p
I don't understand why Hollywood started calling crackers hackers... hackers were something else before that, crackers were (and still are) the naughty ones who write malicious code.
Yeah but he probably thought modern day scene was wicked cool because he could write a "worm program" using 3D cubes across 6 monitors whilst standing up and with an en-suite wine rack. He probably thought he was in heaven compared to his old skool days writing worms on cardboard punch cards :p


Suppose the film would have lost some of its shine showing a pasty faced dude working his ass off for half the film, becoming increasingly more grumpy, let alone giving a toss what the bad guy was up to.

Oh and the love attraction being a middle aged frumpy woman who heckled continuously at his methods...

24 seemed fairly good to me when it came to PC accuracy, theres nothing that stands out as "wow this is realistic" but they never go into detail about anything so theres not much that stands out as being stupid either.
also in shootouts there's never any innocent bystanders who get one lodged in their face, people running down the street firing at each other, despite the fact they miss each other, they also miss everyone else

I'm sure there's an Arnie film where he's on an escalator in a shopping mall and some bystanders get shot as he pushes past them. I think it's Commando.
Wargames, the 1983 one, is really accurate.

The new one is a joke. I think they looked at the old one and tried to put in some similar "hackerish" stuff without knowing the old one actually did it right.
What about the best lines?

In CSI Vegas Bruckheimer often puts in internet memes, the best had to be the time with Stokes churns out "Don't taze me bro!" in a comment about a fitting incident :p

There's many more too.
My most hated movie computer sound effect is when someone does a search and the screen starts scrolling through a load of information... complete with a noise like a Roladex flipping 'round!
My most hated movie computer sound effect is when someone does a search and the screen starts scrolling through a load of information... complete with a noise like a Roladex flipping 'round!

DOS systems would do that though (without the sound). Really annoying when you're looking for a filename that doesn't fit within the last screenful of listings.
My main gripe with movies is how the ****ing badguy never gets away. It's only started being a real gripe for me recently (probably going to spoil films forever now :( ), but it drives me mad

I've been watching the old Bond movies again lately...brilliant stuff, Ernst Stavro Blofeld almost always gets away. :D
What about the best lines?

In CSI Vegas Bruckheimer often puts in internet memes, the best had to be the time with Stokes churns out "Don't taze me bro!" in a comment about a fitting incident :p

There's many more too.

I remember that in Prison Break (season 2 maybe?) - It cuts to a scene with the old prison warden in a hotel room with a hooker - she goes "you want a cleveland what?!?".
When i sit at my pc and type an email, or whatever, my pc also does biep biep biep biep every keystroke. Not!

I would change career just on that. and I think the net would die.... that or the mute button would be the most important function on the keyboard.

I put down bad computer scenes down to writers block and an easy way out of a complex situation. aka - "a cop out" (not sure why they brought the police into that saying as I always find them pretty brave but what ever)
I really hate when shows try to add in science type stuff and then over simplify it. There's an episode of 24 season 5 where Jack is at a gas plant and has to make sure the pressure in the lines doesn't go below a certain percent - but percent of what? Pressure is measured in numbers, not percentages.

Another one that really bugged me was CSI:NY, the scientist says he is going to put something through HPLC (high pressure liquid chromatography) and briefly explains what it is, then puts the sample under a microscope :rolleyes:.
Anyone ever notice that all bunker doors make the same noise, so do their alarms and buzzers. This must mean there is some firm somewhere making military bunkers and nuclear silos for every country in the world. :p

Also the old classic, the driving scenes where the driver is talking to the passenger and spends his entire time moving the steering wheel back and forwards, way to swerve guys!
How about bombs?

Not only do they have a flashing red LED, but it seems that they also come equipped with an audible 'beep' too, just in case the flashing red light didn't give the location away. Hell, even the ones with nothing but a countdown display issue the 'beep'!
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