
19 Nov 2004
you will probably think I am being a snob or something, but I have just put £900 deposit on a new car, paid a £900 credit card bill and paid £630 insurance, along with all the other bills and payment, im left with £600 to live on for the whole month. I havent been this skint for ages. Anyone got any good money saving tips for me please! :)
I knew I was going to get reprocussions for this :( I get the message!

This has to include all my food and petrol too. I think since going into a job I have forgotten what skint is.
First of all, Im not looking for sympathy at all. I would ask you to save that for 3rd world starving children.

Secondly, I dont earn 3k a month. I wish I did. Im not going to disclose how much I earn.

Thirdly im not supporting a family.

Fourthly, I enjoy my caviar and champagne to much :p

I have had to clear out the savings I had for the £900 deposit. I cook my own food. I very rarely drink. Dont smoke. Go out on saturday nights and that is all.

What I should have included was, I want to save as much of this £600 as possible as I am also wanting to save for a deposit on a house.
Most of you dont make £600 a month because your either jobless, a student, have a bad paying job, have a job that pays related to your lack of skill or qualifications, are on sick leave/sabbatical/maternity leave or you are unfortunately on disability allowance.

As Visage kindly pointed out, its all relative. I didn't bust my balls in education for 20 years to earn minimum wage. I agree that the word skint was not the correct word to use, my apologies to those of you who seem to think I am rubbing it in that you have no money because I am not. Thanks to everyone who offered advice esp stiff_cookie.

ste_bla said:
So forgive when when i laugh IN YOUR FACE HAHAHA

Why are you laughing in my face when you have less money than me and a family to support. Surely it should be the other way round, but Im not nasty like that, its an unfortunate situation to be in. Sell one of your 3 computers.
Otacon said:
I think he was getting at the fact he can support himself and his family on less than your spending money for the month.

He could offer me some advice on money saving then, seeing as im not very good at it.
Otacon said:
I dont like the way your post was worded though. Read like you were playing some sort of superiority card because you earn more money.

Absoloutely not. Im in no way superior to anyone in here.
the_brainaic said:
Get off his back, please. If you're used to living off 1k+ per month then going down to 600 is difficult. Everything is relative. There is no reason to laugh at someone just because they earn more then you, this is the typical attitude of people in this country - if someone is succesful then slate them for it. It shouldn't be that way, imo, there should be praise for people who have managed to get themselves a good, well-paying job. Rant aside, 600 is easily enough to live on for a month. Just cut out on meals/evenings out and only but what you deem necessary, nothing that you would like to have for the sake of it.

Cheers mate, I appreciate that.

What i meant was;

ste_bla said:
just remember there are people A LOT worse off than you so just go out less and deal with it

I dont need to remember it, I know it. I am grateful for what I have, and I dont take many things for granted.
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